The purchase of cotton gauze gloves

Cotton gauze gloves are a kind of gloves that workers use when they go to work. Everyone should know this kind of gloves! And in the process of use, if the quality is not good, it is easy to be damaged, so there are many aspects that you need to pay attention to when buying…

How to prevent gloves from fading

Labor insurance gloves are customized to prevent the fading of gloves. Labor insurance gloves can be used to protect our hands when working. Some labor insurance gloves are colored, but they may fade. Let us Jinhua labor insurance gloves custom manufacturer to talk about how to prevent gloves from fading. There are many types of…

Precautions for cotton gauze gloves

The wholesale of cotton yarn gloves should pay attention to these points. This is a product that everyone who works on the construction site or production line needs to use. There are actually different glove products used in different industries, such as dispensing gloves and garden gloves. , welding gloves, etc. will be used, but…

How to store cotton gauze gloves

Labor insurance rubber gloves are also widely used in life, and many users will use them when they are working. First of all, it is usually stored in the refrigerator in summer, otherwise the gloves will be roasted at high temperature, which will easily cause aging. If sweat gets into the gloves after use, they…

How to buy good cotton yarn gloves

Look at the color of the gloves: generally white are polyester-cotton gauze gloves, the original white is 100% cotton gloves, the higher the cotton content of the gloves, the higher the price and the better the quality; look at the weight of the gloves: according to the general standard of gloves, take out a pair…

How to do the maintenance of rubber

The customization of labor insurance gloves requires the maintenance of rubber. Labor insurance gloves are a good thing that can help migrant workers protect their hands. Migrant workers live on their own hands, so protecting their hands is also To protect your money-making tools, it is very important to buy labor protection gloves and do…