Application fields of labor protection gloves

Labor protection gloves are common protective equipment in life, and are widely used in work, such as engineering and construction, workshop production, daily basic operations, etc., especially in electronic workshops, almost everyone has a safety protection labor protection glove, to a large extent. It has reduced labor accidents, so this is the main reason why…

Types of labor insurance gloves

In our daily work, in order to protect our hands from external damage, we should wear labor insurance gloves to protect our hands before work. Different, so we have to know in advance what kind of labor insurance gloves are suitable. Next, Xinke Labor Insurance will tell you what styles and classifications of labor insurance…

The role of labor protection gloves in life?

What are labor insurance gloves? In fact, in life, labor insurance gloves are widely used. For example, they can protect workers’ hands well during work and avoid unnecessary accidental injuries. However, because the different application environments of gloves will be very different, such as physical injury, cutting injury, thermal radiation injury, chemical injury, freezing injury,…

The use of labor protection gloves

In our life and work, we often buy some gloves to protect our hands. For example, labor insurance gloves have been widely used in all walks of life. Generally speaking, the following types of labor insurance gloves are often seen by us, and each industry The gloves you wear will also be different, let’s take…

Protective function of industrial gloves

No matter what kind of work, especially labor-requiring activities, gloves are used, so the use of industrial gloves is actually very extensive, and it is also a kind of protection for the staff, which can play a very good role of partition and heat insulation , to bring certain convenience to the work, I believe…

Labor protection gloves and maintenance methods

As people’s safety awareness is getting higher and higher, some workers usually wear labor insurance gloves in order to better protect their hands. However, most users have little knowledge about the maintenance of labor insurance gloves. In fact, a pair of labor insurance for regular maintenance The service life of gloves is not twice as…

Types of protective gloves

1. Straight gloves: gloves with the fingers and palms of the gloves on the same plane. 2. Hand Gloves: Gloves that look like natural hands. The thumb is not on the same plane as the other four fingers, and the palm and five fingers are slightly bent inward. 3, work gloves: defensive general damage (thorn,…

The role of disposable gloves

In the operation, some special industries often use disposable gloves, which can not only protect the hands of the staff, but also play an important role in protecting the special circumstances of different industries. So what is the role of the pockmarked surface of the glove? The pockmarked surface of the glove can provide good…

Precautions for latex gloves

With the continuous development of society, people are more and more aware of their own safety, especially the safety of human hands. Of course, some auxiliary tools are indispensable for protection, such as gloves, latex gloves are one of many types. It is widely used in life. For example, it is often used after doing…